Slow Beauty PSA

If you’ve been wanting to join the Slow Beauty Immersion 28-day program in her current form, get in now because I’m taking her off the shelf on the Full Moon of the 16th and giving her a revamp.

If you’re new here and have no idea what I’m talking about, I run a private form called the Slow Beauty Immersion. It started out as a 28-day holistic makeover program last December. Since then the space has evolved into a really beautiful community where we talk about all kinds of things, from growing the longest thickest hair possible, to pheromone perfumes, to the cryptic symbolism in our dreams.

A makeover is a funny thing. You have to get really honest with yourself about what you want to change in order to change it. And that can be painful to admit to strangers – even really cool, sweet, supportive ones (as everyone in the forum is). I’ve noticed many of you who are interested in the Immersion program want to only talk to me about your experiences, rather than with the whole forum. So I’ve decided to separate the 28-day program from the forum, to give each one the best possible format in which to grow.

So I’m re-releasing the program sometime in the next few months at a higher price point as a 28-day email experience, and the forum will become a space for general freeform community discussions on our usual esoteric health & beauty topics. Access to the forum will stay the same price. 

Also: a la carte access to the Slow Beauty Lounge, our Twitter Community, will go up slightly, but will remain included in the forum access. 

So the Slow Beauty offerings will be as follows:

  • Slow Beauty 2.0 email experience: Perfect for if you want my undivided attention for a month to support your transformation. Get on the waitlist here. Price TBA, somewhere in the $80+ range
  • Slow Beauty Immersion private forum: Leisurely, long-form discussions with kindred spirits. Includes access to the Twitter Community. $22.22 – join here
  • Slow Beauty Lounge – Twitter Community: Hands down my favourite corner of Twitter. Esoteric slumber party vibes. And if you like my regular tweets you’ll LOVE my uncensored tweets. $11.11 – join here

I’m keeping “the email experience” intentionally vague but I’ve already started creating and please trust it is going to be …so magical. I feel like even if, or maybe especially if you’ve already done the Immersion, you’ll love this even more.

To recap: If you’ve been wanting to join the Immersion in her current form, now’s your chance! Register here. And if you’re interested in Slow Beauty 2.0, get on the waitlist here.

Are you already an Immersion babe or part of the Twitter lounge? How has your experience been so far? I’d love to know how you’re enjoying it, what you’ve learned, and any changes you’d like to see in the comments below. You can also email me with any feedback or questions at – I really love connecting with you all in these spaces, it’s been a bright and life-affirming beacon for me during these strange times we’re in. So thank you to everyone who’s joined already.

Much love,


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